Andrew Alexander
South House
Classic American Short Stories into Comic Form

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Independent Task #1

1.) Log
10/29 10:30-11:00
10/30 10:45-11:30
11/1 10:30-11:00
11/2 10:30-11:00
11/3 11:00-12:00
11/4 10:00-10:30
11/5 10:00-11:30
11/6 10:30-11:00
11/7 10:30-11:30
11/8 10:15-11:30
11/9 10:30-11:30
11/10 10:30-12:00
11/11 10:30-11:00
11/12 10:30-11:45
11/13 10:30-12:00
11/14 10:30-11:00
11/15 10:30-11:00
11/16 11:00-12:30
11/17 10:30-11:00
11/18 10:30-11:00
11/19 11:00-11:30
11/20 10:30-11:15
11/21 10:30-11:00
11/22 10:00-10:15
10/11 9:00-5:00
10/12 9:00-5:00

2.) Evidence
Um, Can I show them to you tomorrow on my phone? I have them but I don't have a camera so I just used my phone camera and I couldn't send them all, because there is too many. Yeah.

3.) LIA
a.) I, Andrew Alexander, completed my independent task which represents 30 hours of work. b.) For my independent task, I worked on telling a story through comics and completed a working set of storyboards for my Senior Project Final Product. During the course of my work, I also took a class taught by Scott McCloud.
My independent task helpped me understand what my media really is. "The knowledge and expectations of the readers." This in turn helps anwser my EQ, and really just helpping me produce successful comics in the future. I this that pretty much what I did, learn from my mistakes. How? By drawing a bunch of really bad story boards and fixing them which took a long time. And before that designing characters and creating a plot. And then editing that. :/ yeah, most of my time was editing.
Doing this helpped anwser my EQ. Having clarity to my drawings and be able to bring new level of understanding to the readers helps. This really helpped when I went back to my storyboards and edited them. To be able to pick apart what makes sense and what doesn't has always been a challenge for me and I feel confident that my comic is better for it. It will also be of use when I don't script the story and I have to interpret it and express it myself.